Validation And Upgrading of Logistics and Transport competences

The consequence of automation and digitization is the preparation of a chain of processes for the educational / validation services provided in the TLS sector, which is to prepare glazing and validation organizations for change. It is about organizational and process readiness as well as readiness to introduce changes. In order to achieve such a state of affairs under the project: we provide appropriate resources in the form of tools and teaching materials, we prepare the standardization of processes, we share experiences related to digital transformation.
The results of research conducted in 2018-19 by the European Logistic Association organization, which showed that changes in the sector, in particular related to the industry’s impact on the environment and changes in the labor market (industry 4.0), confirm the need for changes in the digital competences of employees in the TFL sector. transformations in qualifications mainly at level 4. technological solutions and an understanding of sustainable development („green” competences), understanding (implementation, promotion) of new technologies and data mining in order to better manage orders and procedures, (implementation, promotion) understanding of sustainable development, skills of „data mining” and combining them into a clear set of supply chain parameters, knowledge and proficiency in areas such as analytics, artificial intelligence, workflows and the Internet of Things, understanding (implementation, promotion) of innovative initiatives throughout the organization.
Soft results – at the end of the project:
– Increased potential and know-how on managing partner projects among participating organizations
– Increased knowledge about remote validation scale (surveys during the project)
– Increased ability to use the remote validation system and – Improving cooperation and exchange of knowledge between the education system and business in TLS
– Increased awareness of the industry community regarding the possibilities of hybrid education and validation.

The main goal of the project is to improve training opportunities in the TLS sector. The project aims to provide remote education and validation tools, methods, inspiration and good practices, Improve cooperation and knowledge exchange between institutions of the vocational education and business sector, increase the know-how of project partners as a result of international activities.
The aim of the project is to create an ecosystem of tools: 1. Map and Microcompetence Profiler 2. Remote Validation Course – TLS Guidelines 3. Remote Validation Tools 4. Support System for Institutions. The currently planned project aims to include industry education in the context of digital transformation and the so-called new reality.
The project aims to develop methods and techniques of learning in a hybrid and online system. In the era of worldwide epidemics and potentially future, similar threats, in many areas, including training, it is necessary to replace direct contact and propose solutions enabling remote provision of services. Automation of the training process, with particular emphasis on validation, applies to all stages: data collection, verification, contact with the participant and on-line validation, including the performance of validation tasks and assessment. The project is based on the assumption that, through hybrid methods and teaching automation, users should get used to using IT tools.

Project Partners
Eurokreator T&C (Poland)
ABC-Czempczyński (Poland)
Urban Research and Education (Germany)
Työtehoseura Ry (Finland)
Project number: KA220-VET-02C80CD9
Duration: 24 months

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